Online Learning Update

January 22, 2014

Increased verification needed for online courses

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:11 am

By University of South Florida Oracle

The number of students receiving their education behind the fluorescent glow of laptops, earning entire degrees in the comfort of one’s pajamas, is rapidly increasing — but so is the risk of cheating and losing the value of a degree a university awards. While a new policy under review at USF aims to implement methods by which students must verify their identity in distance learning and online education courses will likely not be 100 percent effective in preventing those looking to cheat the system from doing so, if it were to be adopted, it would be a step in the right direction. A study from the American Psychological Association in 2009 — prior to the rapid peak in online enrollment in universities — found that more than two-thirds of college students admitted to cheating on homework assignments, tests or quizzes.

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