Online Learning Update

June 30, 2017

Supporting the Full Life-Cycle for OER-Based Lessons is Critically Important

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

By Cathie Norris, Elliot Soloway, Campus Technology

It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see that OERs — Open Education Resources — are the future of curriculum. That said, turning OER into actual, coherent, cohesive, aligned curricular lessons is fraught with challenges. The particular challenge under our microscope here is this: we aren’t seeing support for the full life-cycle of an OER-based lesson on OER websites. Say what? Let’s step back — in time — to when curriculum was “atoms (paper) based” in contrast to today’s OER-curriculum that are “electronic bits-based.” While it might not have been explicit, there was nonetheless a “life-cycle” to a lesson that teachers followed:

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IoT to Represent More Than Half of Connected Device Landscape by 2021

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:08 am

by Sri Ravipati, Campus Technology

The total number of devices connected to IP networks is projected to be three times the global population by 2021. Internet of things (IoT) technologies specifically are expected to represent more than half of the total 27.1 billion devices and connections. That analysis comes from Cisco’s recent Visual Networking Index for the 2016-2021 forecast period. Wireless and mobile devices will make up 63 percent of total IP traffic by 2021 — up from 51 percent in 2016. ”TVs, tablets, smartphones and machine-to- machine (M2M) modules will have traffic growth rates of 21 percent, 29 percent, 49 percent and 49 percent, respectively,” according to the report.

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How universities can use big data to land grads careers

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:06 am

BY ROB SPARKS, eCampus News

Have faculty, administrators and advisors actually prepared their students for the “real world” and aligned programs, degrees and training with the job market? Without diminishing the quality of the academic program, have students made the right choices to fulfill their ambitions and aspirations and begin their contributions to society? For decades, institutions have made it their missions to improve not just academic outcomes for their students but also career outcomes. Career fairs, services and internships have been a staple of the student experience for decades. But the reality is that most employers still find graduates lacking essential skills and academic programs lagging behind current needs in a rapidly evolving marketplace. Often, educators find themselves out of sync with the job market.

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3 Facts About Working While Getting an Online Degree

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:02 am

By Joe Chapman, US News

Online degrees allow students to get to the next level in their careers, but time management can be challenging. The reality is that there will never be a perfect time to return to school. But that doesn’t mean that earning a degree is beyond reach. Heading back to school requires organization and patience and support from those around you. Higher education also remains the best pathway to career success, directly impacting employment opportunities and wages. A study from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce found that bachelor’s degree holders earn 31 percent more than those with an associate degree and 74 percent more than those with only a high school diploma.

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June 29, 2017

13th World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov Unveils Hidden Opening

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

by MasterClass

Premier online education platform MasterClass announced today that acclaimed chess Grandmaster Garry Kasparov will offer his first ever online chess class. Pre-enrollment for Garry Kasparov’s class begins today at Considered by many to be the greatest chess player of all time, Kasparov is a chess grandmaster, 15-year World Champion, writer, and political activist. From 1986 until his retirement in 2005, he was ranked No. 1 in the world for 225 out of 228 months. In 1985, he became the youngest ever undisputed World Chess Champion at age 22. His legendary matches against the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue put chess and artificial intelligence on front pages around the world. Kasparov maintained his No. 1 world ranking until his retirement from professional chess.

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Online learning could help to overcome career slumps, survey shows

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:02 am

by Thiago Kiwi, London School of Business and Finance

The research surveyed 1,200 people aged between 18 and 64 and found that 80.6 per cent of workers in the UK have experienced a career slump, with over 32 per cent believing that this is due to a lack of career progression. A lack of training and development was also found to be a reason for experiencing a career slump, cited by 17.3 per cent, followed by repetitive tasks at 11.6 per cent. Over 28 per cent of respondents believe that enhancing their skills through online learning courses would help them to overcome a career slump, whilst 23 per cent said that they handled their career slump by discussing career progression opportunities with their manager.

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Online Pre-K Program Looks To Increase Kindergarten Readiness

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:01 am


New Albany-Floyd County Consolidated Schools is the first district in the state to pilot UPSTART through a federal grant. The Waterford Institute in Utah develops the software, which New Albany schools also use as a reading intervention tool for K through 2nd grade classes. That’s why Tony Duffy, the director of elementary education, says he was expecting positive results. “We jumped at the chance because we saw what Waterford did for other students, and we knew we had an opportunity to do that with our students that are coming in,” Duffy says. Before beginning the program, kids take an online assessment. Then, with their parents, the kids use the program at home, 15 minutes a day, five days a week, for nine months. They take the same assessment once they’ve completed the program.

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June 28, 2017

IoT to Represent More Than Half of Connected Device Landscape by 2021

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

By Sri Ravipati, THE Journal

The total number of devices connected to IP networks is projected to be three times the global population by 2021. Internet of things (IoT) technologies specifically are expected to represent more than half of the total 27.1 billion devices and connections. That analysis comes from Cisco’s recent Visual Networking Index for the 2016-2021 forecast period. Wireless and mobile devices will make up 63 percent of total IP traffic by 2021 — up from 51 percent in 2016. ”TVs, tablets, smartphones and machine-to- machine (M2M) modules will have traffic growth rates of 21 percent, 29 percent, 49 percent and 49 percent, respectively,” according to the report. Connected home, connected healthcare, smart cars and other M2M services will play a key role in this growth.

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With Project Torino, Microsoft creates a physical programming language inclusive of visually impaired children

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

by Allison Linn, Microsoft

The team has created what they are calling a physical programming language. It’s a way for kids to physically create code by connecting pods together to build programs. The system, called Project Torino, is designed to make sure that kids who have visual impairments or other challenges can participate in coding classes along with all their classmates. But Cecily Morrison, one of the researchers working on the project, is hoping the system also will be appealing and useful for all learners, regardless of whether they have visual impairments or other challenges. “One of our key design principles was inclusion.” The ultimate goal is even more ambitious: To get more kids with visual impairments and other challenges, such as dyslexia or autism, on the path to becoming software engineers and computer scientists.

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Wearables Market Continues Kick in First Quarter

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:03 am

By Dian Schaffhauser, Campus Technology

During 1Q17 both Xiaomi and Apple shipped 3.6 million wearable devices (with a slight bump by Xiaomi over Apple), compared to Fitbit’s 3 million, IDC reported. Korean behemoth Samsung came in fourth with 1.4 million shipments. The overall wearables market grew by almost 18 percent year over year, compared to 17 percent last quarter. Currently, producers are still “seeding wearables” in the market, added Jitesh Ubrani, senior research analyst for IDC Mobile Device Trackers. “It’s all about getting people accustomed to the idea of wearing a device.” The next stage “will be all about putting user data to good use,” he said. “This is when step counts translate into healthier hearts and minds. And it’s also when we will start to see devices that actually augment our abilities and make our lives easier or more productive rather than just being another screen we keep an eye on.”

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June 27, 2017

20 essential apps to include in online courses

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am


Online learning apps are broken down into specific categories to maximize production and streamline online communication. Technology and its potential to simplify life for its users can be a beautiful thing, which can be seen in the example of providing online learning for students. But, unless you have the right technology to streamline tasks and aid in learning, going online for education can also be a nightmare. According to U.S. News & World Report, the average online student often takes online courses due to an already hectic life. Luckily, “there is no shortage of mobile apps that can help online students stay productive.”

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Techies Find Online Training More Effective Than Offline: Study

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

by CXOtoday

Skill development and learning is the key for all level of employees in today’s dynamic technology and business scenario. However, employees are not keen to go through traditional learning program because of several reasons such as paucity of time, ineffective teaching, boredom etc. This is where online learning can play a major role. 97 percent of IT professionals believe in the importance of building one’s technology skills and 74 percent of them have undergone learning programs in 2016, according to a study commissioned by digital learning platform, Pluralsight, which finds that 69 percent of Indian IT professionals believe that online learning is a more effective learning method than offline training. 90 percent of IT organizations are gamifying learning, it added.

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Spoiler Alert: Millennials Can’t Get Enough of Social Media

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:04 am

by eMarketer

A new study from private software research company Qualtrics and venture capital firm Accel looked at how plugged in to social media internet users in North America, the UK and Australia really are. It found that many millennials haven’t gone more than five hours without checking social media. Internet Users in Australia, North America and the UK Who Haven’t Gone 5 Hours Without Social Media, by Generation, Nov 2016 (% of respondents in each group). In fact, 42% of millennial respondents said they hadn’t lasted five hours without checking their feeds. (Time spent sleeping was excluded from the survey.) And unsurprisingly, millennials were less able to refrain from social media than their older counterparts. Just over one-quarter (26%) of Gen Xers hadn’t gone five hours without social media, while 29% of baby boomers said the same.

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June 26, 2017

How the Amazon Echo Show Will Revolutionize Higher Education

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

By Joshua Kim, Inside Higher Ed

I’m here to confidently predict that Amazon’s $229.99 Echo Show will revolutionize higher education. With the Echo Show, higher education will finally be able to: Allow students to ‘drop in’ with their professors using the video chat feature from the professors home, 24/7/365. Lower educational costs, by replacing ‘live’ adjunct faculty in classrooms with instructors teaching across multiple campus locations via the Echo Show from locations with lower faculty labor costs. Shift our Massively Open Online Course participation from computers, iPads, and phones – and to the Echo Show.

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The Tech You Need for an Online Degree

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

by Toro Magazine

Online courses have really taken off. More students are now actively going for the best online courses they can find instead of the equivalent offline programs. Aside from the online programs’ flexibility, you can also save a lot on relocating closer to the university and other expenses. To have a great time pursuing an online degree such as an online master of science in electrical engineering, you need the right tools for the job. This means shopping for new gadgets for the course. Summer is always a good time to get the tech you need for an online degree, thanks to the wealth of new options to choose from.

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The 9 Best Free Online Big Data And Data Science Courses

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:02 am

by Bernard Marr, Forbes

Demand for skilled data scientists continues to be sky-high, with IBM recently predicting that there will be a 28% increase in the number of employed data scientists in the next two years. Businesses in all industries are beginning to capitalize on the vast increase in data and the new technologies becoming available for analyzing and gaining value from it. This makes it a great prospect for anyone looking for a well-paid career in an exciting and cutting-edge field. There are also a large number of free online courses and tutorials which a motivated individual could use as a springboard into a rewarding and lucrative career.

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June 25, 2017

Khan Academy Launches Financial Literacy Video Series for College Grads, Job Seekers

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:09 am

By Campus Technology

Khan Academy, an online learning platform used by more than 100 million learners worldwide, has added education content that aims to teach new college grads, job seekers and young professionals how to manage their money. In a new video series on careers and personal finance, 20- and 30-year-old professionals working across special education, the music industry and other fields openly discuss their career choices and disclose their incomes and budgets. The series is available now on for free

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New Analytics Tool Tracks Cheating Patterns for Online Testing

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

By Rhea Kelly, Campus Technology

Online proctoring and identity verification company Examity today launched examiDATA, a data platform designed to “aggregate and analyze information on test performance and academic integrity.” The tool examines information from hundreds of thousands of students at colleges and universities across the country to discern test-taking patterns, measure the rate of test-taking violations and help institutions benchmark against their peers, according to the company. Cheating information is broken down by category, such as tuition level, type of school and department of study.

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Hey Higher Ed, Why Not Focus On Teaching?

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:03 am


Stanford physics and education professor Carl Wieman won a Nobel Prize for his innovative, break-through work in quantum mechanics. Wieman’s message, as we’ve reported here and here, is bold: Too many undergraduate programs fail to focus on teaching effectiveness or even bother to try to measure it. As he sees it, undergraduate Higher Ed still worships at the old false idol called the Big Lecture and doesn’t seem to want to ask whether it’s working. His solution: Systemically improve teaching through methods that have become known as active learning. Wieman’s been interested in effective teaching strategies for years. He argues that a well implemented active learning approach can substantially improve understanding and retention of the material and boost attendance and course satisfaction, among other improvements.

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June 24, 2017

Our college students are changing. Why aren’t our higher education policies?

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

by Peter McPherson, Washington Post

College students are now more likely to work, have family commitments and come from low-income backgrounds than in earlier generations. As the profile of college students continues to evolve, many institutions are adjusting and must continue to do so. Federal and state higher education policy must also change to meet these students’ unique needs and help them succeed. Unfortunately, the conventional wisdom about so-called traditional college students has proven stubbornly persistent. More than a quarter of college students have children, while an untold number are caregivers for other loved ones such as ill parents or elderly grandparents. Students are also more mobile than ever. More than half of bachelor’s degree recipients attend more than one institution before graduating.

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The Future of Jobs and Jobs Training

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:06 am

by Lee Rainie and Janna Anderson, Pew Trust

As robots, automation and artificial intelligence perform more tasks and there is massive disruption of jobs, experts say a wider array of education and skills-building programs will be created to meet new demands. There are two uncertainties: Will well-prepared workers be able to keep up in the race with AI tools? And will market capitalism survive?

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