Online Learning Update

November 29, 2013

Coursera founder Ng counters MOOC criticism, aims for corporate education market

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:04 am

by Lauren Hepler, Silicon Valley Business Journal

While the two online education pioneers – Andrew Ng and Sebastian Thrun – may have different perspectives on the usefulness of MOOCs to students in an open market, both Coursera and Udacity are already in the process of broadening their offerings to appeal to employers. Grabbbing a share of the $62 billion U.S. corporate education market may hold the key to reliable revenue — and even profits — for MOOCs. Under a program called the “Open Education Alliance,” Thrun’s Udacity is now getting paid by companies like Google Inc. and Intuit Inc. to help produce courses for employee training and recruiting. Coursera has yet to formally launch a competing corporate training program, but Ng said that the company has been working with partners including Yahoo Inc. to define a strategy in the field.

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