Online Learning Update

November 15, 2013

Professors see benefit in IUP’s growing online education

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:01 am

by Aleda Johnson, the Penn

When online education began at IUP approximately 10 years ago, there were only about seven professors who taught those classes, according to communications media professor Jay Start, who was the first professor to teach an online class in the College of Education and Educational Technology. Today, there are 75 professors who will teach at least one online class next semester. With graduate and undergraduate courses in 33 different academic areas, adult, part-time, full-time and transfer students can take online classes along­side those who just wish to gain extra experience for the workforce, according to the Office of Adult and Continuing Education website. Online classes cost about $365 per credit, according to the Office of the Bursar’s website. That’s about $1,093 per class for part-time students. For an on-campus, three-cred­it class, on the other hand, students can expect to pay about $1,220.

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