Online Learning Update

November 11, 2013

Course Aims to Dispel Myths of Teaching Online

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

by Karen Grava, University of New Haven

Some of the faculty who recently completed a special course sponsored by the College of Lifelong & eLearning (CLEL) began the class with great skepticism. Online classes, they said, were probably impersonal. Students wouldn’t be engaged. The quality wouldn’t be as good as an “on-ground” course, and the students wouldn’t work as much or be as good. The classes might be suitable for someone else, but for their material, online teaching just wouldn’t work. They learned they were wrong. “A colleague in the accounting department and I had discussions on the possibility of a good online course coming up to the quality and results of a good on-ground course,” said Robert McDonald, associate professor of accounting. “I was not sure that was possible. But I have changed my mind on that question. I think the University community is on the edge of a major transformation in which online courses will surpass on-ground courses in quality and effectiveness.”

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