Online Learning Update

November 8, 2013

UC San Diego Professors Test Waters of Massive, Open Online Learning

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

By Kyla Calvert, KPBS

Elite universities have been experimenting with massive, open, online courses, or MOOCs, for a couple of years now. UC San Diego is joining them. On a spring day the seats in a UC San Diego auditorium were mostly empty. Stephen Mayfield has been teaching his Introduction to Biofuels class for three years. The seats, he said, really only fill up on test days. But his students aren’t exactly skipping class. Most just listen to the lectures online, ask questions over email or during office hours, he said. Mayfield thinks moving most of the class online this way is pretty exciting — but not because it makes his students’ schedules more flexible.

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