Online Learning Update

November 2, 2013

Digital Public Library of America Official Launch

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:04 am

by  Ryan Cordell, Chronicle of Higher Ed

On a basic level, the DPLA is rapidly growing. At the opening reception for DPLAFest, Executive Director Dan Cohen announced that the library just surpassed 5 million items in its collections. The DPLA is not only a library for researchers—though it certainly is that—but is also deeply interested in expanding access to research materials for K-college classrooms and public libraries. To that end, the DPLA announced a new, 1 million dollar grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which will enable the DPLA “to build curricular resources and implement hands-on training programs that develop digital skills and capacity within the staffs of public libraries.”

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