Online Learning Update

March 25, 2013

Even the professors behind massive online learning classes aren’t sure they should count for credit

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

by Ki Mae Heussner, gigaOM

Even though many in academia have expressed skepticism, a survey from the Chronicle of Higher Education finds that the professors behind the MOOCs have many positive things to say about the new classes. But, interestingly, these most enthusiastic academics say that while they’re embracing MOOCs, they don’t necessarily believe they should be worth credit from their institutions. According to the Chronicle, while 79 percent of respondents said they believed that MOOCs are “worth the hype,” just 28 percent believed that students who succeeded in their MOOC deserve formal credit from their home institution. The survey, which attempted to reach every professor who has ever taught a MOOC, ultimately included responses from 103 professors (out of 184).

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