Online Learning Update

July 6, 2021

When you can’t get to college, bring college to you

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:03 am

Tonya Drake – The Herald


A recent study from Strada, Center for Education Consumer Insights, indicates those who experienced a work change during the pandemic are more than three times more likely to intend on enrolling in education. And what’s more, these individuals are seeking diverse learning options during the economic recovery.Further, among disrupted learners who said they planned to enroll in an education or training program in the next six months, 25 percent said they would pursue an online non-college learning option. Likewise, the same share said they would pursue an employer-based learning option. The data indicates a shift in our approach to education. Workers and learners alike are seeking flexible, alternative learning options to meet their needs. Online higher education is well positioned to meet our changing needs and help disrupted workers get back on track as society re-opens.

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