Online Learning Update

May 25, 2021

Elite Colleges Started EdX as a Nonprofit Alternative to Coursera. How Is It Doing?

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

Jeffrey R. Young, EdSurge

For one thing, edX has 35 million users, less than half that of Coursera. It offers fewer courses than Coursera—in 2020, edX listed 3,090 courses and Coursera about 4,600. And it brings in far less revenue—about $50 million annually, about five times less than Coursera, according to Shah’s analysis. Course Report published year-end data from edX and Coursera. But edX has made very different decisions than Coursera that were consistent with edX’s nonprofit status. For one thing, edX made its platform open source, meaning anyone can have access to the computer code. And edX has been more open to university researchers who want to do research using aggregated, anonymized data from the platform.

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