Online Learning Update

January 27, 2013

Is Online Learning the wave of future in California?

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

by ABC 23 Bakersfield

Brown’s budget proposal would give $16.9 million to community colleges for courses offered through virtual classrooms. UC and CSU campuses would also receive $10 million to increase the number of course offered online. San Jose State just launched a pilot project offering low cost online math classes. The project is a partnership with SJSU and the tech company Udacity inc. to encourage more students to pursue careers in the math field. “Technology has changed drastically in the last 50 years,” said assemblyman Dan Logue. “I think the universities have to change with it. I think it offers more students the ability to get an education at a better prices. As long as the quality is good I think it’s a step in the right direction.” Logue believes online learning is the wave of the future. The Chico lawmaker sponsored a bill that creates a pilot program for some California students to earn a $10,000 bachelors degree .

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