Online Learning Update

October 4, 2020

Tech cannot be governed without access to its data

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:03 am

Alex Engler, Brookings
There would be real consequences for deploying unfair and illegal systems if executive branch regulators could more easily discover and police bad behavior. The more upstanding tech companies will be rewarded for their investments as their less scrupulous competitors are investigated, prosecuted and fined. Over time, the worst companies can be driven out. None of this can happen without resolving the information gap between the public and tech companies. Without data, existing regulatory policies risk becoming increasingly unenforceable as corporations digitize products and services. Any new oversight legislation will face the same challenge. After decades of largely unregulated technology services, it is clear that some companies are poisoning the digital well, and it is past time to find out which ones.

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