Online Learning Update

December 31, 2012

Individualized Approach to Online Learning – Israeli Style

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

by Isreal 21c

Mindojo will allow people to create an online course that automatically adapts to each student’s needs and learning style. One might expect some pretty fancy jujitsu moves from a company named Mindojo (for “mind” and “dojo,” a martial arts gym). And indeed, Mindojo founder Guy Zaslavsky’s online learning startup has just raised more than $2 million for a technology that Zaslavsky states confidently will “revolutionize education.” Expected to debut in early 2013, the new Mindojo platform will allow individuals or a companies to create an online course that will automatically adapt to each student’s needs and learning style. The platform can be used for any subject that’s textbook based.

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