Online Learning Update

December 31, 2012

Researchers tell traditional universities to ignore online learning ‘at their peril’

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

by Tech Central

The University of Reading is helping to develop a new e-learning tool that delivers lessons via a mobile phone, yet offers feedback previously only available from a real-life tutor, with significant financial backing from the European Commission. Researchers working on the tool’s development have said that traditional learning models and universities will ignore e-learning ‘at their peril’. The three-year project has received just under £2.5 million (€3.08 million) funding from the European Commission FP7 Research programme and aims to develop a system, dubbed INTUITEL, which emulates the best aspects of traditional teaching methods and delivers them through online portals. “Online learning will continue to challenge the traditional learning models and universities around the world will ignore this at their peril.

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