Online Learning Update

October 13, 2012

Remote Proctoring Services May Not Be Necessary

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

by John Adsit, Education Technology and Change

The teacher whose first view of a student project is its final draft has assumed the role of an evaluator and forgotten that there should be an instructional role as well. The purpose of such an assessment is to teach the all important process of working in whatever field of study is being assessed. Since assessment and instruction should be aligned, the purpose of instruction should be to teach that process. A well-designed project includes a number of milestones along the way, opportunities for the teacher to evaluate the progress being made and intervene instructionally as necessary. For many teachers, the final draft of a project is the minor last step in a well-monitored process, a step that only gets a small percentage of the overall grade. Under such a system, cheating is close to impossible. The final step in eliminating cheating would be to adopt a complete standards-based grading system, but that’s another issue for another time.

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