Online Learning Update

September 23, 2012

USC embraces online learning for graduate education

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

By Merrill Balassone, USC

Nationwide, millions of students are trekking back to college classrooms this fall, but more students than ever are going back to school online. According to a report from The Sloan Consortium, the rate of growth in online enrollments is 10 times the rate of growth in all higher education. At USC, roughly 4,800 graduate students are enrolled in accredited online master’s degree programs that span nine USC schools. Altogether, USC’s online education programs reach 5,500 remote students through graduate-level degree programs and executive and continuing education programs. “USC faculty have embraced the potential of online graduate education and have eagerly explored and experimented with models that can engage learners and spark powerful ideas, fresh insights and new knowledge,” USC President C. L. Max Nikias wrote in a recent letter to the USC community. “As we continue to implement this online education model, we expect to double our enrollment and degree offerings within the next five years.!/article/41400/usc-embraces-online-graduate-education/

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