Online Learning Update

August 28, 2012

Big Fat Online Learning Myths – Students Cheat Like Weasels in Online Classes

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:01 am

by Vicky Phillips,

I have taken many tests for courses, both online and on-campus. Online, I’ve been subjected to a final exam proctoring process where I was required to take the exams in person at a local testing site, with a photo ID, under a watchful supervisory eye. I was graduated from a residential liberal arts college Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude, and I can assure you no one, not once in all my years of residential learning, ever checked my I.D. when I sat down to take an exam. Now which system was it again that encourages cheating? But enough of my opinion. There’s real research on this matter.

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