Online Learning Update

May 23, 2019

The Good and the Bad: Choose the Best OPM, According to Dr. Chuck

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:03 am

Mikel Amigot and Zoe Mackay, IBL

Online program management (OPM) companies are on the rise, but in Severance’s view, there are good OPMs and bad OPMs. “The best way to describe the difference between [them] is that good OPMs take less of your money than the bad OPMs. The bad OPMs like to take more than 50% of the revenue.” edX and Coursera are good OPMs, says Severance, “in that they bring a lot to the table, the market, they do things globally that no school will ever be able to do. The University of Michigan could never have the global reach, no matter how many people we hired, that we get by being part of edX and Coursera.”

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