Online Learning Update

July 4, 2012

Harvard and MIT create free courses ‘edX’ online

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:09 am

by ChannelsTV

Anant Agarwal, president of edX, called the initiative a “revolution”. “There is a revolution dawning in Boston and beyond. This revolution has to do with the pen and the mouse. It’s unbelievable. We will have students around the world all collaborating and working together.” Agarwal, who dubbed the partnership the “next big thing”, says edX will be available to anyone with an Internet connection and is currently absolutely free. “Our goal is to educate 1bn people around the world,” he added. “We’re giving education on a mass scale and we’re really excited.” Harvard’s president Drew Faust appeared equally enthusiastic about the project, telling the conference, which marked the launch, that edX would “shape the world”.

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