Online Learning Update

March 5, 2019

Editorial: High Hopes for First Online Community College

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:06 am

San Diego Union-Tribune
Online education has not lived up to its hype yet, but if any state can make a go of it, it should be California, the tech capital of the world. The online college is the brainchild of former Gov. Jerry Brown. Heather Hiles, a former tech entrepreneur and senior official with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is expected to begin work today as the first president and CEO of former Gov. Jerry Brown’s pet project: California’s first and only online community college. Hiles’ background and ambition seem perfect for the online college, which has as its goal helping the millions of adults who lack a college degree or certificate they need to get well-paying jobs and to begin promising careers. To achieve this goal, the online college will offer specialized courses that are specifically designed to qualify students for existing jobs and that can be finished in a year — a format unlike any seen in the state’s other 114 community colleges.

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