Online Learning Update

February 28, 2019

Across the Country, Universities Are Answering the Call for Innovation

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:03 am

By Dan Sommer, EdSurge

Notably, they are expanding their continuing education departments—the arm of the school that has the most flexibility, can move quickly, and is organically connected to the local community. Once considered an unassuming part of the university serving a limited demographic, today’s continuing-ed departments resemble innovation labs, able to launch new programs, engage with outside partners, and respond to employment trends—all with the support and structure of the university. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that jobs for software developers will grow by 30 percent between 2016 and 2016, creating an additional 250,000 such openings available. This ’ crystallizes just one of the many opportunities—and challenges—these continuing education departments face. In my experience working with continuing-ed departments to bridge that gap, and speaking with deans of both large public research institutions and small private colleges, there are three specific areas of innovation that I am excited to see taking root: increased accessibility, more affordability, and a commitment to meet the fast-changing needs of local employers.

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