Online Learning Update

February 19, 2019

Higher Education Revamps Online Education in 2019 as Traditional Enrollment Declines

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:02 am

Eli Zimmerman, EdTEch

Students’ concerns about the return on investment in their education, coupled with a demand across industries for graduates with more practical skills, are driving changes in the ways universities offer education, according to a report from the Brookings Institution. According to the report, both students and employers feel higher education institutions are not giving students the skills they need to be desirable employees in the modern workforce. These sentiments are reflected in dropping student application rates at major institutions. Freshman applications to the University of California system in 2019 dipped for the first time in 15 years. Other major institutions, like Michigan State University, are also seeing declines. In response, universities are evolving their programs to allow for more online courses and competency-based learning.

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