Online Learning Update

May 28, 2012

How online learning through gaming is helping students score more marks

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:01 am

by Neenu Abraham, TNN

Gamification, or using gaming techniques to explain concepts, is a happening trend among Indian students these days. It has been identified as among the Top-10 technology trends for 2012 by audit and consultancy firm Deloitte., for one, has over 10,000 users logging in just a month after its launch in India. With digital games generating over $25 billion in sales worldwide in 2010, online content providers are wrapping educational material in the form of games so that students can learn, while having fun. While some people dismiss gamification as a fad, neuroscientists are discovering more and more ways in which humans react to interactive design elements. They say such elements can trigger feel-good chemical reactions from human responses to a stimuli — increasing the reaction time, states the study ‘Future of Intenet’ by Pew Research Centre.

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