Online Learning Update

March 6, 2012

Udacity Open Online Learning – The Future of Education

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

by InnovatoBase

Thrun in the video highlights some differences between the traditional style of professor lecture and what they are trying to do at Udacity:

Engagement. In the traditional style, the professor is smart and imparts his/her wisdom on the students. In Udacity, there are frequent quizzes so that students are constantly engaged. They must think every step of the way.

Success. As this video points out, the current style will pass C and D students along to the next level despite the fact that they have not gained full mastery of the subject. At Udacity, students can take and retake quizzes until they have mastered the material. Success and mastery can be obtained by each student in his or her own time.

Free High Quality Education.

While I recognize and appreciate what they are trying to do, what I feel most grateful for is the intimacy of the course. I feel like it’s taught for me by one of the best minds in the field. The professor teaching my class is David Evans and has proven to be one of the best educators I have ever had the privilege of encountering.

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