Online Learning Update

June 29, 2018

From Founding CEO Of One Of The Largest FinTechs To CEO Of The Largest EdTech – Coursera

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

by Peter High , Forbes

Jeff Maggioncalda was recently named CEO of Coursera. I have interviewed both founders of the company, Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller, so I was curious about Maggioncalda’s perspective on the company, education technology and the massive open online courses more generally, and his own background as an entrepreneur. Regarding the last point, Maggioncalda was previously the founding CEO of Financial Engines Inc, a company that was founded by Nobel Prize winner William Sharpe and recently sold for $3 billion. During his 18 years as CEO of Financial Engines Inc, Maggioncalda had to pivot three times from his original idea before becoming a success. Financial Engines would go on to become the largest independent online retirement advice platform with more than $100 billion under management.

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