Online Learning Update

June 11, 2018

edX CEO Anant Agarwal Announces Ambitious Goals for 2022

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

By Henry Kronk. eLearning Inside

For the most ambitious, Agarwal hopes to attract 100 million learners to edX in five years’ time. The non-profit MOOC provider has, one might argue, remained truest to the original promise of MOOCs (keeping them open and massive) when they exploded in 2011 and 2012. The platform has trained 16 million learners with courses from over 130 different institutions. Using the Open edX platform, a further 18 million + have taken at least one university course, bringing the total number to roughly 35 million.  In addition to a few other goals, Argawal wants to foster a culture in which university credits are more transferable and widely accepted. “Why is it so hard to do?” he asked. He hopes to generate a community in which 25% of edX courses will count anywhere. “Let’s say I want to launch an online masters degree in computer science and I want to teach AI as part of it,” Argawal said.

edX CEO Anant Agarwal Announces Ambitious Goals for 2022

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