Online Learning Update

January 20, 2012

4 Time Management Tips for Online Learning Students

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:01 am


Online courses give students the flexibility to take their class anytime, anywhere. The trick, students say, is staying on top of them. Doing so requires discipline, commitment, and organization—traits any successful student should possess, no matter what path they’re taking to complete their degree. A need for flexibility is one factor fueling the growth in online education—online enrollment hit an all-time high in 2010 with more than 6.1 million students—but a lack of direct oversight can make it easy for them to fall behind. Throw in everyday distractions typical for an online student—full-time jobs, kids, family activities—and the work can easily pile up. These time management tips from online learning veterans can help you stay ahead of the game.

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