Online Learning Update

January 7, 2012

Online Learning on Reduced Funding

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

by the eLearning Guild

eLearning Guild members reveal imaginative ways to cut eLearning costs, and clearly show that cost savings is a mindset and being cost conscious makes good sense (and cents). Although you might imagine that cutting costs would involve cutting quality, innovative cost-savings ideas, such as the ones shared in this report, show that you can do more with less. Saving money isn’t only about finding cheaper ways to get the job done. It’s also about optimizing the resources you have available, including yourself. The report details numerous ways to optimize your resources. There are many ways to get the job done at lower cost and utilize your resources to be more efficient and effective. In December 2010, The eLearning Guild asked members to contribute to a costsavings survey and the results of that survey are the subject of this report. The most impressive finding is that cost savings are quite doable and the effort needed isn’t extraordinary.

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