Online Learning Update

January 1, 2012

The Red-Hot World of Online Learning Services

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

By Marshall Kirkpatrick, Read, Write Web

The joy of learning is among the most valuable ways to find meaning in life. Combine that with the substantial imbalance between supply and demand of skilled labor in the United States, and a period of economic upheaval, and you’ve got a recipe for for something magical to happen. While traditional schools struggle to fit the bill, the internet is finally rising the the occasion. Startups like Treehouse, CodeAcademy, and of course Khan Academy are capturing the imagination of learners around the world, of all ages. Can these sites give traditional education the “Wikipedia vs. the encyclopedia” treatment? Why are these new websites aimed at teaching new skills so hot right now? A discussion of those questions leaves me feeling very optimistic, for the future of humanity even.

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