Online Learning Update

January 1, 2012

Tennessee Higher Education Commission Launches Online Learning

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:01 am

by the Chattanoogan

As one of 12 states selected through Race to the Top to receive hundreds of millions of dollars in funding from the U.S. Department of Education, Tennessee has embarked on a once in a lifetime opportunity to implement sustainable education reform statewide to improve student learning. As part of this effort, the Tennessee Higher Education Committee and the Tennessee Department of Education have partnered to provide access to a series of formative instruction and value-added online courses to public and private higher education/College of Education institutions and alternative providers that prepare teachers and school leaders. Developed by Battelle for Kids, the courses were previously made available to all K–12 public school educators in fall 2010 as part of First to the Top.

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