Online Learning Update

February 25, 2018

Future economy demands workers who can learn online

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am


The New York Times recently published an article entitled Online Courses Are Harming The Students Who Need the Most Help. The piece, by Susan Dynarski, a well-respected professor of education, public policy and economics at the University of Michigan, makes the reasoned, evidence-based case that online courses that are offered with little to no instructor interaction are detrimental to students who struggle in traditional classrooms. Why should we care if learners learn to learn online? Because the future will demand self-directed lifelong learning from a significant portion of the workforce. Current data suggests workers could have have 12 jobs in their lifetimes.  There will be more demand for post-baccalaureate training and education, and it will have to be delivered online. But if we relegate underperforming students to in-person-only instruction, as Dynarski suggests, we risk widening the digital divide, not closing the achievement gap.
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