Online Learning Update

December 26, 2017

Impatient with universities’ slow pace of change, employers go around them

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:03 am

by John Marcus, the Hechinger Report

“There’s just a giant gap there,” said Sean Gallagher, executive director of the Center for the Future of Higher Education and Talent Strategy at Northeastern University. Fewer graduates are emerging from the pipeline than are needed, he said. “I think that’s why the tech sector has been the place where these alternative models are being pioneered.” Tired of waiting, Microsoft, Linux and other employers have teamed up with edX, a collaboration started by Harvard and MIT to provide online education that is much easier than brick-and-mortar programs to keep up to date and to disseminate to vast numbers of students simultaneously. Microsoft, Linux and other employers have teamed up with edX, a collaboration started by Harvard and MIT to provide online courses, which are easier to keep updated than conventional university courses in fast-changing fields such as tech.

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