Online Learning Update

September 27, 2017

Best Practice in Online Learning: Verlick Business School, Belgium

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

by Peter Chadwick, IEDP

While the logistical benefits of online learning are clear, business schools need to answer two types of doubt around the quality. The first comes from existing clients who appreciate the value of traditional classroom programs and have perhaps had bad experiences of sub-standard online training in the past. The second comes from the genuinely confused who struggle to understand where business school programs sit in the ever-expanding ecosystem of online learning. In our discussion, Benjamin de Wulf, Senior Learning and Development Consultant at Vlerick Business School, was able to shed some light on how one of the pioneers in online executive education has approached the transformation challenge. De Wulf is part of a team developing a portfolio of blended and fully online programs – a team that is focused on developing a pedagogy that is fit for the future as much as on the technology that supports it.

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