Online Learning Update

April 30, 2017

Learning through Mobile Technology: The Future of Things to Come

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:03 am

by C. Carney Strange and James H. Banning, Tomorrow’s Professor

The biggest impact on the world will be universal access to all human knowledge. The integration of mobile technology and learning in higher education has been one of the most exciting and transformational changes in how colleges and universities attend to their work of teaching, research, and service. The past ten years in particular have witnessed a revolution in how educators construct the processes of learning and how to engage students in them. Referring specifically to online learning, one observer described this as a paradigm shift that presents “an uncharted set of challenges for academic institutions, most of which are much more familiar with the traditional classroom setting” (Borden, 2011). This shift will reflect both how we fundamentally approach learning as well as the role of instructors.

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