Online Learning Update

February 26, 2017

New report bodes well for e-learning

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:09 am

by Brett Henebery, Learning and Development Professional

Melbourne-based course comparison start-up, ​,​ recently surveyed over 3,000 people to gain a better understanding of what motivated them to consider further study and the role of technology in the delivery of courses. “Since there are so many online courses now on offer, and readily accessible, people are giving them a try and some discover it’s not for them.” There are other factors at play too, Thomas added. “Some of these include a sense, or lack thereof, of belonging to a learning community, time management skills and interaction with the teacher or instructor,” he explained. “Overall, it seems when it comes to higher education, people’s preference is for ‘blended’ learning where they can experience face-to-face learning supplemented by online learning.”

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