Online Learning Update

January 27, 2017

3 cost, technology breakdowns for virtual reality in higher ed

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

BY ZACK MERTZ, eCampus News

How higher education professionals can get started with virtual reality in websites, including costs, how-to’s, and other important information. There’s a lot of excitement about virtual reality (VR)—and there should be. It’s exciting, in its infancy, and reports say VR will be a $38 billion dollar industry by 2026. But there also seems to be a lot of confusion about virtual reality. What does virtual reality mean? Do universities and colleges even need virtual reality? And if so, how can they affordably integrate virtual reality? How can they make sure that an investment in virtual reality pays off?Virtual reality is a powerful tool, and can provide an experience that’s both memorable and influential. They know that it can be a deciding factor in a student’s decision to schedule a visit, and ultimately submit an application. What are three options and costs to integrate virtual reality into higher education websites. But first, what is virtual reality?

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