Online Learning Update

October 31, 2016

Review: ‘Fail U: The False Promise of Higher Education’

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

By PETER SIMON, Buffalo News

Fail U.: The False Promise of Higher Education By Charles J. Sykes; St. Martin’s Press, 278 pages ($26.99) Back in 1988, Sykes wrote a book about college education that blasted excessive spending, nonexistent student advising programs, lecture classes of “droning, mind-numbing dullness,” and the abandonment of undergraduate teaching. Sykes is back for another look – 28 years later – and his conclusions are even far more dismal. “Colleges have bloated their administrations, universities have built Taj Mahals and professors have become even more allergic to the actual teaching of undergraduates,” he says. “Grades have inflated, degrees have been watered down, professors have churned out millions of unread and unreadable articles and the liberal arts have been bludgeoned by indifference and ideology.”

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