Online Learning Update

April 24, 2016

UNL should make course syllabi public

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:01 am

The opinion of Kayla Simon, Daily Nebraskan

When you’re standing in the ocean and a wave begins to descend upon you, you have two choices. You can churn the water trying to get away or you can ride it back to shore. The advent of massive open online courses (MOOCs) has started a trend — one that spells disaster for some universities. If students can access information, videos and even accreditation without paying for it, they very well may. To compete, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln needs to adapt. Instead of fighting the riptide of the information age, UNL should expand its horizons and appreciate the broader education these measures can offer. UNL can prove its worth compared to MOOCs by making all course syllabi public information.

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