Online Learning Update

July 9, 2015

Designing Learning Spaces for Both Online and On-Campus Delivery

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:06 am

By Dian Schaffhauser, Campus Technology

Purdue University found a way to create a flexible and inviting learning space for on-campus learners while also delivering high-quality audio and video recording for distance students. Determined to provide a better experience for everybody, the university laid out specific requirements for the new physical space: soundproofing, acoustic panels and ceiling mics (which would be out of the way and less intimidating for students physically present). To be able to turn lectures around quickly for online use, Conrad’s team chose Telestream appliances to do the encoding, which would allow the school to provide recordings within 20 minutes from the time the lecture was completed. The encoding process would capture the lecture, creating a massive file, then compress that down into an MPEG-4 file and push it onto a Web server. To make sure lectures weren’t lost due to technical difficulty, the division used two layers of backup. And for real-time lecture streaming, the staff implemented a Wowza Media Systems server too.

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