Online Learning Update

June 26, 2015

Duke professor offering free online course on dog psychology

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:05 am

By Lea Giotto, USA Today

Brian Hare, an evolutionary anthropology professor at Duke University, is teaching a free online course called “Dog Emotion and Cognition” through Coursera, a site that teams up with colleges and universities all over the world to offer free online courses.“I just wanted to make sure that anyone can have access to all of the exciting stuff that’s going on, and that’s what [Coursera is] all about,” Hare says. According to the class’ website, “Dog Emotion and Cognition is a course designed to introduce the exciting new science of dog psychology to any level of dog enthusiast.” The class can serve as an introduction into the general study of animal psychology, or even as an educational platform for dog trainers.

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