Online Learning Update

October 22, 2010

Online Learning: The Lecture is Dead Long Live the e-Lecture

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

 by Duncan Folley, Electronic Journal of e-Learning Volume 8 Issue 2 2010, (pp93 100), available online at

This research paper investigates if the traditional lecture is no longer appropriate for Neomillennial Learning Styles and whether an alternative blended approach could/should be used? Over the past decade the lecture as we know it, has gradually been under attack from constructivists, Twigg (1999) for example argues that the lecture is in the main a one-way process with little or no active participation and does not allow the student an opportunity to learn in a collaborative form. Exley & Dennick (2004) quote an unknown source as saying, “Lecturing is the transference of the notes of the lecturer to the notes of the student without passing through the brains of either” (p3). To counter balance this Race (1999) explores different methods of how active, interactive learning can take place within a lecture. With these and many more damming critiques of the lecture it is no wonder that HE is looking at alternative methods of delivery. This research explores whether there is a place for lectures and if blended learning technology can enhance the learning experience given within a lecture theatre environment. The primary research is based on two questionnaires, the first to a cohort of undergraduate students and the second to academic staff at Leeds Metropolitan University. The results of the research shows that students are demanding more for their tuition fees, this is in agreement with the BBC education reporter Sean Coughlan (2009) who reported that “Fees fuel campus consumer culture” and also discussed the Swansea University’s student paper who following the recent bad weather reported “Students lose £20 a lecture after snow sends university into lockdown.” (par 2). The paper also looks at the effects of increasing demands being placed on students’ time and how this has developed the students into becoming more strategic learners in what they are prepared to attend and how much time they are willing to give to a subject. Therefore the use and availability of blended learning techniques (VLE, podcast) was investigated. The research shows that both students and academics see value in lectures, however the traditional didactic form of lecturing needs to change and academics need to embrace new

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