Online Learning Update

September 25, 2010

From Schools to Screens: can online learning revive the liberal arts?

Filed under: Online Learning News — Ray Schroeder @ 12:10 am

By Ian Scheffler, the Eye (Columbia Daily Spectator)

As Taylor points out, however, the internet is a viable alternative to travel. With tools like video, photography, audio, text and videoconferencing, all of which can be linked together, a platform exists that can pluck information from its resting place and deposit it at the user’s fingertips. Though electronic media cannot perfectly recreate objects from the past or distant locations in the present, the new array of tools can passably imitate—and in some ways enhance—traditional modes of learning. As Columbia students know, panoramas of the Parthenon on the Art Humanities website provide better representations of the building than do slides on a projector. In addition, online learning has the potential to drive down the cost of a university education. Since online courses can be taken anywhere, they eliminate the need to travel and live on a school’s physical campus.

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