Techno-News Blog

March 2, 2014

College mobile strategies are falling short

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:24 am

By Denny Carter, eCampus News

It’s not so much that colleges and universities included in a recent survey had under-funded mobile technology initiatives. Many didn’t have a mobile presence at all. While many schools have had mobile websites since the late-2000s, more than 70 percent of Pennsylvania and New Jersey colleges surveyed by brand marketing firm Princeton Partners did not have a mobile presence, while half of the campuses surveyed that had a mobile presence showed major deficiencies. The problems with shortcomings in a college’s mobile website is obvious to anyone familiar with the way students use smart phones and tablets. About six in 10 students surveyed in the Princeton Partners report said they were “unlikely to ever return to a website if they had trouble viewing it on their mobile device.”

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