Techno-News Blog

August 6, 2011

Are the Fax Machine’s Days Numbered?

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:15 am

by David Zax, Technology Review

How many times have you encountered this situation? You have engaged in a lengthy conversation or negotiation with a potential employer or partner, a conversation that spanned multiple devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop), a conversation that was decidedly modern, digital, virtual — a conversation that was, in a word, paperless. And then, all of a sudden, to solidify the deal you’ve hammered out, your interlocutor asks you to “simply print, sign, and fax the attached form.” Print? Sign? Fax? What is this, 1998? On Monday, Adobe Systems — frequent accomplices in this faxing frustration, since the form in question is so frequently a PDF opened in your Acrobat Reader — shined a light ahead towards the day when we can finally retire that barbaric, outmoded technology, the fax. On Monday, it announced that it had acquired EchoSign, “a leading Web-based provider of electronic signatures and signature automation.” Adobe explained that it had plans to fold in EchoSign with various Adobe services, and in so doing, saving time and money for businesses, enabling them to “significantly accelerate sales cycles.” As well as finally feel that modernity had at last arrived.

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