Techno-News Blog

August 23, 2014

Personalizing Instruction With 1-to-1 and Blended Learning

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:25 am

By Dan Gordon, THE Journal

We determined that there are seven characteristics of the ideal blended learning classroom. The first two are community mindset and the learning environment: creating a culture in your classroom and then organizing the physical environment to support and encourage that culture. It’s about student choice and voice, empowering students and giving them the opportunities to help drive some of the decisions and the learning. The next two involve instruction and student work, with the focus being on how we can use traditional and digital methods to provide content and resources, and how the students show what they know and understand from the learning. The next is assessment: how we understand where students are and where we need to go with them, and how we personalize learning so that it plays to students’ strengths and meets their needs. And finally, communication and collaboration: how we can use these technology tools to work together toward better outcomes.

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