Techno-News Blog

March 2, 2014

10 Awesome Tech Tricks From David Pogue

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:24 am

By Katie Lepi, Edudemic

Short, watchable snippets of useful information, thought provoking questions, personal stories, inspiration, and learning. While I always take something away from every TED talk that I watch, some stick with me more than others. That said, most don’t come with a specific list of takeaways meant to help you with your everyday life. This talk, from David Pogue, offers 10 time saving tech tips. Most are for technologies that we use every day. They’re simple, easy-to-do, they’ll save you time, and make you feel like a suave tech person who can (seemingly) make their technology do whatever they need it to do with little effort. The video is embedded in the link below, but we’ve typed out the handy list also at the link below for you to reference later.

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