Techno-News Blog

April 10, 2013

The Imminent Shakeout? Disruptive Innovation and Higher Education

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:15 am

by Mike Lenox, Forbes

I predict that we will see a bifurcation in the higher education market. A cost leader (or leaders) will emerge catering to the mass market. They will leverage technology to provide an effective and efficient education. They will cater to the population who may not have had access to higher education thirty years ago. The emergence of the cost leader position will be bad news for the many for-profit online universities that have arisen in recent years and for numerous non-selective residential universities. This is where the shakeout will be most disruptive. The entry of high reputation universities into the MOOC space where they (currently) provide courses for free could be a game changer for this tier of players if someone figures out accreditation and degree granting. This disruption will play out over years, if not decades, as struggling colleges fight to stay alive and student attitudes towards online education evolve.

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