Techno-News Blog

October 25, 2012

A Ribbon Cutting for 3-D Printing (Using 3-D Printed Scissors)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:25 am

by DAVID ZAX, Technology Review

Shapeways, the 3-D printing company based in New York, today celebrated its next step: something it’s calling the “Factory of the Future.” Shapeways held a ribbon-cutting ceremony at a 25,000-square-foot facility that will soon be humming with as many as 50 industrial-scale printers that will be able to make up to five million products per year. Shapeways calls it the biggest consumer-facing 3-D printing facility in the world. Mayor Michael Bloomberg was there for the ribbon-cutting ceremony. The twist? The scissors Mayor Bloomberg used had been printed in-house. The scissors were 3-D printed two days prior, Shapeways’s Carine Carmy tells Technology Review. “They weren’t made of metal—they were made of nylon plastic—but they’re strong enough to cut through paper.”

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