Techno-News Blog

October 20, 2012

Android tablets: Training wheels for Windows 8 tablet makers

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:20 am

By James Kendrick, ZDNet

Apple has dominated the tablet space that it single-handedly created with the iPad. As the Windows 8 launch draws near, it’s logical to think that they will be competition for the iPad. That may be, but the biggest tablet segment at risk of losing sales to the new Windows 8 tablets are running Android. It’s not a coincidence that all of the major Android tablet makers are readying Windows 8 products for sale. Microsoft did Android tablet makers a favor in producing the version of Windows 8 to run on ARM-equipped devices. Windows RT by design will run on ARM tablets pretty much the same as all of the Android tablets. That makes it pretty straightforward for Android tablet-makers to shift production to Windows 8 models. Think of Android tablets as training wheels for Windows RT tablets.

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