Techno-News Blog

September 28, 2012

Microsoft: Google breached your privacy; use Bing

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:15 am

By Zack Whittaker, ZDNet

Microsoft is taking advantage of Google’s own “do no evil” policy after the search giant was found tracking Safari users in order to display advertisements even when they should have been blocked. Microsoft fired back on all cylinders with a scathing marketing campaign. Safari users are now directed to a page which outlines how Google was given a $22.5 million penalty by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission earlier this year. The page focuses on Google’s recent controversy with tracking users and capitalizes on it by pointing users to boycott Google in favor of Microsoft’s own Bing search engine, as Microsoft clearly wants the privacy-infringing saga to remain at the front of people’s minds when they use the search engine.

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